Collecting anything is an art. Really good collections have been put together by a knowledgeable person who has refined their focus. I have collected a lot of things over the years and I had to learn how to walk away when the quality was not there or when I couldn't afford the asking price. I have had access to several large collections of motorcycles, guns and decoys. If you ever want back in, be careful how you ask what's for sale. That is an art as well.
Rotations of really good collections are usually based more on boredom than need of cash. Our focus becomes more refined and selling 3 or 4 items may get us one good item.
Remember a couple of things when collecting. You must be your own expert so do your research. Learn how to walk away and be polite about it, you may want back in later. And only the best that you can afford. Someday it will all be sold so make sure it's all sellable.