Saturday, December 1, 2018

You Are a CEO...You Run the Business of You


Our goal is to inspire everyone to be successful and find joy in everday living

You Are a CEO is a movement that was born out of a simple idea.  We believe that everyone is the CEO of their life and can take charge of their personal success.

Michael E. Parker, founder of the movement, was born in Oakland and raised in the heart of Richmond, California in the midst of violence and struggles.  Many would say that he should have been a statistic.  But along his journey of hardships and challenges , he made decisions that changed the course of his life and opened doors he never thought possible. Now, an award winning entrepreneur, author and national speaker, Michael is passionate about giving back and inspiring positive change.

Come join the movement and inspire your own life and the lives of others around you 

Michael E. Parker

He has been my friend and inspiration for over 20 years