Monday, November 7, 2022

Hendee and the Lady

As per my usual motorcycle builds this one started with a simple encounter.  My wife Laurie and I were driving down the 91 freeway one Saturday, honestly I was minding my own business.  Up ahead in the distance I spied a bright yellow 1940 Ford pickup with a 1913 Indian motorcycle in the back.  Traffic was slow so I rolled down the window and started chatting with the driver.  Interesting story for the next installment.  It planted a seed to build an old Indian Hendee boardtrack bike.

I went home and started looking for parts, either an engine or a frame.  I came across a listing on Etsy for an Indian Hendee motor case.  I reached out to the owner and met Tiff.

She had been perusing through some old junk several years ago and spied these cases.  She likes old stuff which is very cool in itself.  When she saw the name Hendee she knew she was onto something.  Like she says "if you know then you know"...she knew.  She had them for a couple of years and then put them up for sale.

After we came to terms on the price I sent her some funds and some trade goods and she sent me the Hendee cases.  Thank you Tiff !

Tiff and Annie

Hendee Belle on my bench.  110 year old miracle

I just purchased this frame and gas tank, time to start building Belle