Another Barry Solomon bike I restored for him, this bike was a huge pain in the neck as it had been wrecked and the frame was broken. I had originally owned the bike and sold it to Barry who later asked me to do a cosmetic restoration on it.
It recently sold at Mecum Auctions in Monterey
The four stroke machines that terrot produced in the early twenties had 350 cc jap engines and archaic horizontal spring front forks. they were fitted with terrot's own 2-speed gearbox and chain-cum-belt transmission. two versions were sold of this model g, the sport and touriste. by 1925 it was time for a new model, and in the autumns the model h was introduced at the paris salon. the first machines were still equipped with jap engines and old type forks, but in the middle of november the modernized h appeared, with terrot's own engine, druid forks and pilgrim oil pump. there were four versions: ht, hs, hsc and htc. t stood for touriste, s for sport and c for confort, or luxury. the t had a standard engine and upswept touring handlebars, the hs a stronger engine and flat handlebars. the c type had 27x4 wired-on tyres, 140 mm wide mudguards and a steering damper the standard versions had 120 mm wide mudguards and 700x80 wired-on tyres.