Thursday, November 10, 2022

Book Review..Boardtrack Racers

The Speed Kings and Freddie Ludlow  by Don Emde

Actually two books, but they go together.  The Speed Kings and Freddie Ludlow both by Don Emde and available through his publishing site.  I think they were $120.00 plus he included his Daytona 200 book.  I find that very reasonable when you consider what you are getting.

If you are a lover of antique racing motorcycles and good quality, well written books...then you will love these.  I am building a 1912 Indian Hendee boardtrack racer and the photos are priceless.

They are both heavily illustrated and documented.  The Speed Kings is a very in depth research book on early racing in America and helps me to understand just how dangerous it was to risk your life on the boards.

The book on Freddie Ludlow is also very well researched and written.  What's cool about this book is that Mr. Emde actually had the early photo album of Freddie Ludlow and he uses photos of the album throughout the book.  This resonates with me because I have similar photo albums from my mother.