Wednesday, November 9, 2022

I Always Wanted to Fly.....

I always wanted to fly, no not in an airplane!  Just fly, more like Hagrid on his flying Triumph motorcycle.

When I was a young man and I was heavy into martial arts.  I would work out until the endorphenes took me to another place.  I used to walk down the driveway doing jump kicks.  I could honestly kick 7 feet high.  Not Bruce, but not bad.  I had a dream one night that as I did jump kicks I left the ground and just keep kicking and flying higher.  I woke up feeling lighter....

A flying motorcycle would be the best, perhaps my old Midnight Blue Chief would suffice.  Hit a certain speed and become airborne!  Hey, why Not?

This is where skimpy Indian 8 valve motorcycles come into play.  Thanks to Billy Lane and his Sons of Speed, modern board track racing is alive and well again.  Well, kind of...  The racers in the teens were going close to 100 mph on what amounted to a huge splinter, crashing would easily kill dead !
Billy has resurrected a somewhat saner version but still, no brakes, no clutch and no gearbox.  Pretty close to flying?