Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Old dogs, horses, parrots and people

Old souls are quite a conundrum for our society today...

We accumulate animals and people but do we love them enough to care for them when they are old?
I see it all the time,  a person buys a horse, dog, parrot or whatever..but then they tire of it and find a way to be rid of it.  Face it old souls are messy!
I hear it all the time "I love horses"..no you don't,  you love the IDEA of horses.  I have several friends who cared for an old horse until it dies because they loved it.  The horse had no use to them, too old to ride but they loved her or him.
Take for example parrots.  I love the idea of a parrot but I am convinced that I wouldn't love living with a parrot.   So...I don't have one.  I'll just enjoy yours.
The one that really kills me is people having babies or jumping into a bad relationship headlong...people are not toys to play with and then dispose of.  Yes I have been guilty...
Be careful what you take on...we all live a long time.

 Our old horse Fleet with my sister Leah, my brother Gilbert in the background and myself

Fleet lived out her days turned out to pasture as did her sisters and brothers Fay, Flicka and Flash